Proven SEO Techniques For Backlink Building Part #1

Proven SEO Techniques to Build Quality Backlinks - Part 1


Author: Kevin Jeffersons
Backlink plays a significant role in getting higher page rankings for your website, blog post, articles, etc. It is the greatest way to increase targeted traffic to your website as well as be placed on the first page ranking in search engines result pages (SERPs) especially Google.

What are Quality Backlinks?

Backlinks or the links that point to your web site are the main factors to internet marketing. With quality backlinks, they help websites get higher search engine rankings and thus, in turn, results in more traffic to your website.

In the professional search engine optimization, the number of backlinks signifies the popularity or importance of that website or page.

Each backlink (or BL) is a citation for your website and each citation in turn is a vote in your website\'s favor. So the more strong or quality backlinks your website has, the more chance for your website to rank well in SERPs.

How to Create Quality Backlinks?

There are many ways to create quality backlinks and here are some proven SEO techniques which are usually included in any SEO Packages offered by SEO companies.

Submit your Site / Blog to Social Bookmarking Sites

As social media sites like Digg, Stumbleupon, Reddit, Sphinn etc., are becoming more popular nowadays with thousand and millions of people using them and being online at one time or another, social media has become a great way to get backlinks as well as huge web traffic. As you write articles with good quality content and submit them to these social bookmarking sites, you would not only likely get links but also huge web traffic as some of your articles can get a lot of exposure from these sites.

1.Do Article Submission/Marketing
Webmasters as well as Search Engine Optimisation Experts alike have been and are still using effectively the SEO strategy of article writing for building traffic and backlinks. However, you need to take note that if you submit articles to these article directories, make sure that your article is interesting, with quality and relevant content, and is potentially 'viral' (meaning plenty of web visitors will want to share them with others once they\'ve read it). It should also be unique from your articles or posts on your blog to avoid duplicate content.

2.Join Relevant Forums
Nowadays, when you post on online forums, it often sends referrals to your site from those who check out your profile and thus, gain your site valuable and free backlinks as many forums nowadays provide Dofollow link via signatures of signed up users.

3.Participate on Answer Sites
Joining in Q A Sites can also give your site some free backlinks. Like for example, creating an account at can give you a one dofollow link profile. It can also provide your site with some visitors because you can receive some traffic each time you participate and provide valuable answers from those members who ask questions. Just make sure to only put your site\'s links to those questions that can help members solve their concerns.

4.Submit Well-Written Press Release
SEO press releases are an excellent source of backlinks as they help in the overall SEO marketing plan. In order to get free backlinks, include your links within your press release. Just submit a well-written press release with a compelling title to make it look more interesting to read and other media sites would share it.

5.Have a Blog and Guest Post on Relevant Blogs
Guest posting or blogging is also an excellent way to build high quality backlinks.  As you write guest posts for other webmasters or professional SEOs in exchange for a link or two in your author bio, you not only gain a link but also provide a chance to build your brand or your website among the vast on-line users and thus, bring traffic to your site.

Make sure to submit only quality articles so that there is an increased chance of being invited back as a guest author again.

6.Get Active on Social Networking Sites
Use Twitter and if possible Facebook StumbleUpon every time you post. Promote everything you post on Twitter, Facebook and StumbleUpon for your fans, friends and followers on Twitter/Facebook to follow, keep up, and click from the stream of your latest content through those channels.

There are more ways to get more quality backlinks to your site, stay tuned for the Part 2 of this article.
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About the Author
Premium SEO Solutions is a Professional Search Engine Optimization company that provides ethical and result-oriented SEO Services. Choose from any of our cost-effective Search Engine Optimization Packages that is right for your online business.

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