Automated Amazon To Twitter Profits

The Amazon Twitter Connection


It's no secret that Amazon is pushing affiliates to share links on social networks, they even have a built in share button for affiliates. Twitter, unlike Facebook is very forgiving with status updates that link to affiliate web pages. Add to this the fact that both Amazon and Twitter have easy to use RSS features and you have the ingredients for a fully automated Twitter profile that will promote Amazon items 24 hours a day while you forget that it even exists. This takes a little time to setup but after that it's completely hands off.

Setting Up The Twitter Account


You'll need a fresh Twitter profile so go and get yourself a new free email account. Now start thinking about what niche you'll want to get into. A good idea for this kind of project is to think of categories on Amazon where there are always new items and also lots of related blogs and review sites. The reason for this will become clear in the next step. For now complete your Twitter profile by:

  1. Create a Twitter name that is related to your chosen niche. Think of this as part of your branding. The idea will be to establish yourself as the authority on whatever niche you chose.
  2. Create a description that conveys authority. Your description should let other Twitter users know that you have all the updates that they need for whatever category that you're in.
  3. Make a professional looking logo. Instead of using a real picture for your avatar create a simple square Logo and use that instead. This will make it appear that you're not just a one person but a upstart internet company. 

Feeding Your Twitter Profile


Now you're going to start wanting to get some automated content for your Twitter profile. Thankfully this is super easy with RSS technology. Start looking for the definitive blogs and news websites pertaining to your niche. Carefully search each site for the RSS feed and bookmark the address. Now look for some smaller independent blogs on sub niches and bookmark those as well. Go to and start attaching each RSS feed to your Twitter profile. Check out the video below for more details:

Helpful hints for using
  • If the blog you're using also has an associated Twitter profile the proper thing to do is to Prefix it with RT @example_user or Postfix with via @example_user. This gives proper credit to the original author.
  • If the RSS feed is updated frequently then check for new updates every 30 minutes and allow 5 posts at once. This is so you won't miss any important posts.
  • Make sure to add some popular hashtags to the end of your tweet using the Postfix option. This creates more visibility for your tweet as many people search by hashtag.

Building Your Twitter Fan-base


If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it does it still make a sound? If you post to a Twitter account with no followers are you ever going to make a sale? The answer to first question is yes (science) and the answer to the latter is statistically near zero (common sense). Then it's clear that to make this work we have got to start getting some fans. You'll attract some just with the high quality tweets and proper hashtags but not many real engaged fans, for that you'll need something more powerful. To get fans fast and do it on all on autopilot you're going to need some top notch Twitter software. Now I know what you're thinking "Can't I find some free software tools that can do this?" I'm going to be honest with you I thought the exact same thing at first and started looking for cheap auto-follow scripts and online tools. The problem is that each of free tools left out the major thing that you need which is to unfollow those who don't follow you back after a certain amount of time. The online tools are great but they all end up charging a monthly fee which in the end will cost you more than just buying some premium desk top software. That's why I recommend using Tweet Adder. Yes, it's a little pricey but it will allow you to automate every important Twitter function. See Tweet Adder in action below:

Tips for using Tweet Adder:
  • Start out slowly, it might looks a little strange to Twitter if a new profile is suddenly following hundreds of people a day. You could get your profile banned so build slowly at first and then ramp it up once you have few followers.
  • When creating your list of users to follow try searching by "Followers Of A User" and choose a Twitter profile that is similar to yours and follow their followers. This a great way to build fans fast.
  • When you sign up for Tweet Adder make sure you use a valid discount code like the one below.

Tweet Adder

Monetizing Your New Twitter Fan-base


Notice we have left off talking about monetizing your Twitter profile until the very end of this article. That's because without a decent amount of followers there really is no point in monetizing your Twitter profile. Plus if you start advertising on day one that may make it harder for you to gain followers quickly. Think of your informational tweets as you giving to your fans and your advertising tweets as you taking from your fans. When you are first starting out you want to give a lot more than you take. Overtime though your audience will get used to (and maybe even appreciate) some of your ads. Once you feel you've reached this point you can start monetizing with Amazon. There are two basic ways to create a new feed:
  1. Get Amazon feeds by category. The first and easiest way to find Amazon RSS feeds is by category. From the Amazon home page navigate to "Shop By Department" and click on "Full Store Directory". Browse for your desired category. Once there you'll see on the sidebar "Bestselling", "Most Wished For", "New Releases" and "Gift Ideas". Click on one of these and and scroll to the bottom of the screen. At the bottom you'll find an orange RSS button click it and copy the address. At the end of RSS url append the following: ?tag=your_amazon_id-20 this will place your tracking code in each item in the feed. Note that not all categories will have all the options above smaller categories may just have "Best Sellers" and not the other options.
  2. Get Amazon feeds using RSS tools. The second way is to use premium Amazon feed generators. The advantage here is that you can have the update more often and be more specific in what shows up on your Twitter profile. The most popular option in this regard is If you would like to try it out first there is a limited trial version at
These are about the only two easy options you have for getting and using Amazon's RSS feeds. Amazon at one time to employed a tagging system which could also be used to create RSS feeds but this has since been discontinued. However, if you don't like Amazon's built in RSS system you can also schedule tweets using Tweet Adder automated tweets or you can also try With your new success on Twitter you could also start promoting your own blog, Amazon Store or email list.

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